( http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d3a6bb60100kizw.html )
姚平(劍膽琴心)作家博客 2010-08-15 22:55:12
這句話聽上去很專業,有點象很多商業管理培訓老師說的“put yourself into others" shoes.”
這話聽起來好熟,好像是“如果你不能改變世界,就改變你自己”,或者Steven Corvey的“影響圈和關注圈”的翻版。這“雞”滿口經典、哲理啊!
“要懂得體味工作帶給你的美,知道嗎?大冬天的在三里屯站街,大熱天的在國貿這兒接客,很多小姐抱怨,這他媽的破天,真是倒楣!千萬不要這樣,我覺得,用心體會一下這個城市的美,身邊有很多同性戀帥哥經過,非常現代的高樓大廈,雖然買不起,但是卻可以用羡慕的眼光去觀賞、去享受。開公園打野炮,看著草地的綠色,冬天是白色的,夏天是紅色的,多美啊!再看看錢包,1000 多一天,就更美了!每一樣工作都有她美麗的地方,我們要懂得從工作中體會這種美麗。”
天下雜誌 2013-11-19 作者:吳凱琳編譯
許多勵志書籍或所謂的生涯顧問,所提出的生涯建議,有許多看起來似是而非,而且多半脫離現實,成了不切實際的空泛口號。以下是新聞網站Business Insider列出4種絕不可信的生涯建議。
4 Terrible Pieces Of Career Advice You Should Ignore
( http://www.businessinsider.com/terrible-career-advice-you-should-ignore-2013-11 )
Business Insider - Hiranya Fernando, Lumiere Nov. 1, 2013, 1:55 PM 11,396 8
I coach, teach, and mentor about work, jobs, and careers for a living. And I’m big on taking risks, making mistakes, living and learning, pushing boundaries. You may overhear me say things like “if something is worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.” I was never one for moderation, and still struggle to stay within the designated zone. So, when someone like me advises caution, it means something.
My interest in other peoples’ wellbeing and success is deep and genuine. What follows is from the heart, even if it sounds harsh. Someone’s got to be the bad cop and call it like it is. I worry that good, well-meaning folks, and especially our youth, are being told things that are simply untrue and don’t stand up to any objective scrutiny—things that create impossible expectations, are incredibly misleading, and essentially lead people down the garden path full of unicorns and rainbows.
Of course we want to inspire our clients, our students, and our mentees to pursue their dreams. Our garden and our path must have the occasional unicorn and rainbow to make us believe in beautiful things. But our path must also be true, real, and stable. To that end, there are a few things we need to stop saying. Here are four of them:
1. You can be anyone you want to be.
This belongs right up there with “you can have it all.” You can’t be anyone you want to be, nor can you have it all. The universe is specifically designed to prevent this.
Those who say this — especially to women — typically have an unusually fortuitous career and life story to tell, and it’s from this perch that they preach to the more earth-bound.
Here’s what we really should be saying: You can’t be anyone you want to be, but you can be more of who you already are. All of us are born with specific talents and gifts. We have certain natural inclinations and capacities. Over time, we add to these with learned skills and experiences. The sum total of this package is what makes you unique and what will allow you to make unique contributions to this world. This is what you have going for you—not being anyone you want to be, but developing who you already are.
Your best bet is to identify and develop this set of innate talents and strengths. If you’re unsure, take some tests, such as Myers-Briggs and Strengths Finder. They will identify a list of careers where you would most likely succeed based on your strengths.
There is great joy in embracing and being as much of who you are as possible. In fact, if you shirk away from this, the world loses out on you.
2. You can do anything you want. All it takes is hard work and determination.
This statement is thrown around usually after a one-in-a-million example: Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was four and didn’t read until seven, but turned out to win a Nobel prize; Oprah Winfrey was fired from her television-reporting job and told she wasn’t fit to be on screen, but today she is the billionaire queen of television talk shows; Michael Jordan was actually cut from his high school basketball team before going on to become possibly the best basketball player of all time.
These people did amazing things, no doubt. But the reason these stories are so inspirational is because they are few and far between. We’re being disingenuous if we attribute it all to hard work, since an incredible amount of natural talent played a part, but luck especially had huge influence. Scientists who study the huge acclaim of hits like "Harry Potter" or how certain people become overnight successes share that the processes involved are highly unpredictable, and don’t necessarily have a bearing on the quality of the product or the effort expended. It’s not that the success isn’t deserved, but that it’s wildly out of proportion with any objective measure of quality.
The truth we don’t want to accept is that hard work is only one part of the equation. There are a lot of hardworking people out there. In fact, there are people working three jobs and making just enough to pay rent. These people work hard, but still fall short of meeting their goals. Why? Well, there are a myriad reasons: a lack of education or training, inevitable circumstances, planned or unexpected constraints, and unforeseen events, such as poor health or a prolonged recession.
Look, we need inspiration to motivate us to keep us going, to give it our best shot. I do one key thing all day, and that is encouraging my clients — especially my graduate student clients — to put forth their very best efforts. But I’m not going to tell the fish who can’t climb trees that maybe they should just work harder at it. You know what that does? It leads to self-doubt and low self-esteem.
3. Follow your passion. The money will follow.
The number of self-help gurus and motivational speakers who say this with a straight face is astounding. Popular career books like to peddle it, too, probably because it’s a lovely idea and one that sells.
“Follow your passion” or “do what you love” may be perfectly valid advice, but when it comes to finding a career you like that is also sustainable, love and passion alone won’t cut it.
There is no quick fix for career happiness. It’s a long road of trying things out, identifying what you’re naturally good at, and being willing to work at a passion through classes and taking on additional responsibilities wherever you can, such as through volunteering or pro bono work.
There may also be underlying factors to your career malaise. You may find that, even in your new passion, things may not hold for long because “everywhere you go, there you are.” If I tell you the number of clients that come to us post burn-out from the “passion carousel,” you’d be surprised.
So, what’s the major disconnection between all this passion and the money that’s not following? Your passion has to sell. No matter how much you love a thing, it’s not a livelihood unless and until you can sell it. What you love must also be what the world needs. It must be something that the market values and will pay for. This is not optional. It’s mandatory.
And since you have to be able to sell your passion, you must be good at your passion. You can’t just love yoga. You have to be talented at some aspect of it — teaching it, writing about it — in order to make a living. I love career coaching, but I won’t survive or thrive unless I’m good at it. Ideally, what you’re good at and what you love will converge over time.
This is why we repeatedly emphasize the following in our workshops and blog posts: instead of focusing on passion, look at what you are naturally good at, what comes to you relatively easily, what energizes you, what others recognize you for, and what you’ve been rewarded and promoted for.
Look at your current job situation: what are the tasks that engage and energize you versus the ones that shut you down? Where do you excel with ease, and where do you struggle? Where can you make a contribution to your team, your organization, or your community? This last one alone can create a sense of purpose and — God forbid — real passion.
4. Dance like nobody is watching.
This is bad advice — period. If you are in public, you should not dance like nobody is watching. People are watching, and most of them have video recorders on their cell phones.
Anyone who wants to hire you, network with you, work with you, or date you will google you. They can easily find what you share on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. You don’t have to curate content as perfectly as we do for our clients, but, at the very least, make sure that your post, pins, likes, and tweets are fairly innocuous. Would you be comfortable if both your boss and your mom saw it? If the answer is no, then don’t put it on the internet. It’s shocking how many people don’t seem to have a handle on this. The world is small, people — very small. And when you’re looking for work, it’s actually pretty tiny.
Here’s the good news:
Wonderful things are possible in this world. Many people find work they love, can sustain it, and make a decent living out of it, while also contributing to their families, friends, and community. The key is to get to know yourself well, embrace your natural strengths, and slowly but surely move in the direction of matching these to correlated lines of work. The universe has a way of collaborating with what is both possible and inspiring.
Wonderful things are possible in this world.
( http://i-kuso.com/article/a153661.html )
酷搜新聞 發佈時間 :2013-12-25 11:45
我承認我是一個不折不扣的二奶,一個女人恨之入骨, 男人愛不釋手的二奶。
那又怎樣? 我沒有要害得你家破人亡的意思, 更沒有要霸佔你丈夫的意思。
我跟他只是在各取所需... 這是一個有規則的遊戲, 雖然它不受法律保護,
但我們會遵守規則! 我從沒要求在我這過夜, 所以請你不要誤會。
作為妻子的你根本不知道你的男人在外面打拚有多辛苦... 為了穩定自己的位置,
為了讓你過上所有人都羨慕的生活, 每每在酒桌上喝得一塌糊塗卻還想著你在家等他回
去! 這些做妻子的你壓根不知道! 我是怕他開車回去有危險才讓他在我這過夜的,
喝多了就到賓館休息吧, 開車很危險! 那樣他會更愛你!
可笑的是, 他每次出差你都每隔一小時打一次電話查勤,
知道他在朋友面前多沒面子嗎? 你為什麼就不能在他出差的時放幾個套子在他身
上, 並告訴他有需要記得用?他知道你這麼信任他, 他難道還會亂搞嗎?
夫妻間最起碼的信任都沒有還怎麼生活? 爬得越高得罪的人就越多你知道嗎?
並不是所有二奶都想當正室的! 只要開心就好... 每個男人都不是故意要出軌的,
只是家裡的你壓得他喘不過氣... 你總會說他「結婚前這樣這樣,結婚後那樣那樣!」
為什麼老是停留在過去呢? 為什麼不想想怎樣維持好這段感情?
其實他還是很愛你的, 很愛這個家, 只是他需要你諒解,
需要你像從前那樣心胸豁達! 婚姻就像風箏, 拉得太緊會斷, 放得太鬆會掉。
也希望你不要每次吵架都拿離婚來威脅他, 有聽過狼來了的故事嗎?
呵呵... 我知道他的事情比你多, 我比你更瞭解他, 比你更有辦法令他開心,
你是不是很難受? 那你是不是更應該檢討自己? 當我知道他要吃我做的菜時,
我就會很適當的時候做好飯菜等他回來, 然後等他叫我「寶貝,我回來了!」
然後就問他「甜心,我在床上,菜在桌上,你要先吃哪一個?」 而你呢?
他最討厭在他最煩最累的時候還聽你跟他說一些三姑六婆的事, 沒完沒了...
然後放點輕音樂, 再幫他按摩放鬆。這樣你覺得他還會想走嗎?
你總會在他跟你吵架了就不讓他碰你做為懲罰, 他碰你是想跟你講和,
你卻不領情! 你能像我一樣, 洗了澡, 用巧克力塗滿全身當甜品送給他嗎?
但是你要知道, 我們的遊戲就是在玩玩的情況下進行的! 等激情不在就分手......。
而是我們把生活中的吵架、冷戰、裝著莫不在乎... ...等等給男人偷腥搭建了平台。
- Dec 28 Sat 2013 09:39
一個月薪8萬的妓女給某公司總裁上MBA課; 「跟隨熱情,錢財自然來」4種不可信的生涯建議; 一個很牛B的小三給正妻的信,值得女人們深思! (合輯)