比現有快百倍!Google推光纖寬頻 每秒1Gb

自由時報 – 2012年7月28日 上午4:41

〔編譯張沛元/綜合二十六日外電報導〕網路搜尋引擎巨擘Google二十六日宣布,將在美國密蘇里州堪薩斯市推出網路速度比傳統寬頻平均快上一百倍的「Google光纖」(Google Fiber)超高速網路與電視服務,並期待日後能將之拓展到其他城市。

分析家說,Google突然殺入超高速網路服務市場有兩大原因,一是給華府政客下馬威,展示目前科技所能達到的成就已超越傳統有線與電信業者所能提供的服務,逼迫當局儘快釋出全國性寬頻;二是因為越多人用Google光纖,就 越多人用Google。

家用飆網 提供逾百頻道


Google光纖提供超過一百個頻道,包括Comcast公司的NBC Universal、Discovery與Viacom等許多大媒體的頻道,額外付費還可看付費電影頻道,但沒有新聞集團的福斯有線頻道,也沒有時代華納旗下的CNN、TNT與TBS頻道,迪士尼有線電視的ESPN與迪士尼兒童頻道亦付之闕如。Google高層表示,還在協商以增加更多頻道選項。

Google推出的這項新服務不僅能看電視,還有每秒一Gb的網速與一TB的雲端儲存空間,安裝費三百美元(約九千台幣),月租費一百二十美元。此外,Google也提供只上網的方案,月租費七十美元,下載速度也是約每秒一Gb。可享受這些服務的地區包括密蘇里州堪薩斯市中心與鄰近所有城市,估計有十七萬戶可率先嚐鮮;民眾必須先支付十美元上網登記,同一地區必須有五十人登記才能安裝架設。Google還提供它的Nexus7平板電腦和Google TV應用程式給首先使用Google光纖服務的客戶。


Google推寬頻 每秒1Gb

法新社 – 2012年7月27日 上午10:20

(法新社舊金山26日電) Google今天在堪薩斯市(Kansas City)地區推出超高速網路和電視服務,測試自家寬頻網路計畫。

Google Fiber超高速寬頻網路,預定9月上路,下載速度1Gbps,比大多數家庭寬頻網路快約100倍。


Google副總裁梅丁(Milo Medin)說:「Google光纖速度比目前平均寬頻網速還要快上百倍。」




作者: 鉅亨網羅力元 綜合外電 | 鉅亨網 – 2012年7月27日 下午12:05

Google 將於9月推出超高速寬頻網路服務Google Fiber。(圖取自Google Fiber頁面)

Google (GOOG-US)正式宣告切入網路及電視服務市場,並且承諾將提供比現行美國系統商還快100倍的傳輸速度,最快今年9月會先在密蘇里州堪薩斯市開始安裝 Google Fiber 超高速網路服務。

除傳輸速度可達每秒 10 Gb,Google Fiber 用戶可以收看超過100種頻道,每個月收費 120 美元,並有 1 TB 的雲端硬碟。

Google 首席財務長 Patrick Pichette 表示,網路連線已是下一塊須被開發的前線戰場,並希望能在這裡獲取利潤。

Google 仍在擴大爭取更多內容。

麥格理分析師 Ben Schachter 認為,Google必須至少作到與現行電視系統業者相同的品質,由於人們普遍對 Google Fiber 有相當高的期望,而Google最不該做的就是推出一個平淡無奇的成品。

Google's Lightning-fast Fiber Network Now Live in Kansas City

By Melanie Pinola, PCWorld    Jul 26, 2012 1:40 PM

Google is launching its ultra-fast 1Gb-per-second Google Fiber Internet and Fiber TV service today in Kansas City.

Google announced last week that the gigabit network was coming, and here it is. Lucky residents of Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, can pre-register now at the Google Fiber website and rally their neighbors to pre-register to get Google Fiber (Google is building the network by demand).

Google Fiber promises to be 100 times faster than the average American broadband speed. To put this into perspective, using Google Fiber is sort of like driving from New York City to San Francisco in under a half hour.

The Google Fiber network box that comes with the service has four 1Gb Ethernet ports, but you can also connect your computers over Wi-Fi at 360Mb per second. The network box also offers a gigabit firewall.

Google is offering three plans. The Gigabit + TV service is $120 a month, with a $300 construction fee waived if you sign a two-year contract. The Fiber TV service offers a large selection of network and some cable channels in HD, including Showtime and Starz. Along with the package, Google is throwing in a free Nexus 7 (which isn't easy to find) and a TV box that records up to 500 hours and eight shows at once on its two terabytes of storage.

If you only want the Internet service, that'll run you $70 a month, again with the waived $300 construction fee with contract.

A free plan is also offered, but limits you to 5 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload speeds, and requires the $300 construction fee. This might work if you can't afford the gigabit service, since the average Internet speed is only 5.8Mbps anyway, but it's difficult to give up a service that's 100 times faster.

Imagine: instantaneous downloads, video uploading in the blink of an eye, and immediate file sharing.

Google also suggests Google Fiber customers pick up a Chromebook, such as the refreshed Samsung Chromebook Series 5. With an Internet connection that fast, the inexpensive web-centric laptop may make a lot more sense.

Google Fiber is expected to be installed to "fiberhoods" ranked in the top 50% of those pre-registered by mid-2013. I, for one, am hoping Google will soon roll out to more cities (New York, please!).

Follow Melanie Pinola (@melaniepinola) and Today@PCWorld on Twitter

Google apresenta projeto de TV e internet de 1 Gbps nos EUA

26 de julho de 2012 • 13h36 • atualizado às 14h19

O Google Fiber, projeto de acesso à internet banda larga de alta velocidade através de cabos de fibra óptica, foi apresentado em um evento realizado em Kansas City, nos Estados Unidos, e transmitido ao vivo pela conta do Google no YouTube. Além do acesso à internet extremamente rápida, de 1 Gbps, a iniciativa inclui oferta de canais em alta definição.

"Não há necessidade de cabos, não há necessidade de lerdeza. Não haverá limite, não haverá restrições na velocidade. Estamos oferecendo uma velocidade de 1 gigabit por segundo", disse o engenheiro Milo Medin durante o evento.

Na apresentação, foram comparados o aumento na qualidade dos computadores e na capacidade de armazenamento com a velocidade da internet - que apresenta uma evolução muito menos expressiva. Com o Google Fiber, a companhia oferece uma velocidade cem vezes maior que as conexões típicas disponíveis ao público americano atualmente. Os planos são oferecidos por a partir de US$ 70 mensais.

O Google anunciou seus planos de construção de uma rede de banda larga de altíssima velocidade em fevereiro de 2010. Desde então, diversas cidades se candidataram para receber o projeto. Em março deste ano, Kansas City foi anunciada como o primeiro local para o Google Fiber. O projeto foi lançado inicialmente apenas na cidade americana e em parte de sua região metropolitana.


鉅亨網編譯陳育忠 綜合外電  2012-11-14 15:25:05

Google Inc.(GOOG-US)周二(13日)宣布,已開始開放超高速光纖網路服務予堪薩斯州堪薩斯市居民使用。當地居民亦將是全球最早得以檢驗Google最新服務的民眾,並決定其是否能滿足已被炒高的狂熱情緒。

Google是在前(2010)年時首先對外宣布其Google Fiber計劃,而全美大約有1100個城鎮和城市申請加入該計劃。當堪薩斯市勝出時,Google Access總經理Kevin Lo表示:「新的高速基礎設施最終將以比大多數美國使用現有頻寬快上100倍以上的速度傳送該市市民的資料。」




當地民眾只要每月繳交70美元即可享受此項每秒1GB頻寬的超高速光纖網路服務,而若是要將Fiber TV包含在服務裡面的話,則須繳交120美元。


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