【聯合報╱邱坤良】2012.03.06 05:00 am
2012-12-29 06:15| 發佈者: want-daily| 查看數: 14| 評論數: 0
北海岸金山旁, 有占地近六十公頃的法鼓山世界佛教教育園區, 倚山面海,視野遼闊。
基隆客運:02-24323185 淡水客運:02-26213340
全球十大咖啡城 台北亞洲唯一
2012/11/03 08:04:00
今日美國報(USA Today )指出,對咖啡愛好者來說,談到咖啡就讓他們眼睛一亮,不同品種、烘焙技巧以及泡製的方式,哪種咖啡最好,總有一番爭辯,但今日美國報選出全球十大最佳品嚐咖啡的城市,各有各的獨特性與美味。
唯一入選的亞洲之光 全球十大咖啡城 台北上榜
作者: 王嘉源╱綜合報導 | 中時電子報 – 2012年11月4日 上午5:30
台灣向來以傳統茶文化自豪,但在另一與現代都市生活更緊密連結的飲品文化─喝咖啡,台灣也已經開始在國際間打響了知名度。《今日美國報》(USA Today)旅遊版「SmarterTravel」選出全球十大最佳品嘗咖啡的城市,台北市即名列其中,排名第十,且是唯一入選的亞洲城市。
美國則是由星巴克的發源地西雅圖與波特蘭獲選,這也不令人意外,因為根據美國最暢銷的旅遊與休閒雜誌《Travel + Leisure》的排行榜,這兩地即為美國最佳咖啡城市的前兩名。
World's 10 best cities for coffee
( )
Christine Sarkis, SmarterTravel staff
7:43AM EDT November 1. 2012 - Maybe it's all that caffeine in their bloodstreams, but talking about the world's best coffee gets people really amped. Countless varieties, roasting techniques, brewing preferences, and adornments yield dramatically different brews around the world, all with avid fans and vociferous critics. We've rounded up this list of 10 places that celebrate the essence of the bean, each in a unique and delicious way. There's a 100 percent chance that we've left off one of your favorites, though, so go to bat for your team in the comments.
Many cities are fiercely proud of their cafe culture, but only Vienna can claim that its has UNESCO status. In 2011, Viennese Coffee House Culture received the organization's rank of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Since the 17th century, cafes full of marble tables and iconic Thonet chairs have set the scene for savoring a cup. With more than 20 coffee drinks to choose from at most establishments, there's a science to coffee in Vienna, but waiters are patient and willing to walk curious first-timers through the options.
Try: Cafe Central and Cafe Landtmann.
Energy-boosting and abundant, coffee is the sun that overcast Seattle revolves around. And love it or hate it, Starbucks is only a small part of the hometown coffee scene. Taste your way through local roasters at independent cafes around the city, and see why Seattle walked away with top honors on Travel + Leisure's list of the best coffee cities in the U.S. And later, as you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep, ponder this: The city also ranked as the most caffeinated city in the U.S.
Try: Zoka and Caffe Vita.
Havana, Cuba
In Cuba, coffee is basically its own food group. A vital part of each day, steaming little cups of Cafe Cubano—espresso mixed with sugar as it brews—or Coradito—espresso topped with steamed milk—mark the morning, signal the end of a meal, and are a perfect excuse to stop and linger with a friend, new or old. To drink coffee in Havana is to join the rhythm of the city, and after a drop in Cuban coffee production, the country is now rebuilding its growing economy to meet the dedicated demand of its people. Cuban exiles in Miami have made the Florida city another great place for an authentic Cafe Cubano.
Try: Cafe El Escorial and Cafe de las Infusiones.
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne is Australia's coffee capital, and we suspect it's vying for the world title as well. It may be a long way to travel for a cup of coffee, but with more and more people calling Melbourne's coffee the best, it's also an unbeatable way to fight jet lag. A proud history of independent cafes and innovative brewing techniques makes it worth the journey.
Try: Seven Seeds and Proud Mary.
Lisbon, Portugal
People get seriously poetic about coffee in Lisbon. The irresistible combination of a storied cafe culture and a fantastic cup of coffee can do that to a person. Pour yourself into the experience by heading to a cafe, settling in for a leisurely sit, and ordering a bica. The revered shot of black coffee is longer than an espresso and usually features beans roasted with a traditional low-and-slow technique that yields the drink's signature flavor.
Try: Cafe A Brasileira, the cafe at Miradouro de Sao Pedro de Alcantara, or any neighborhood pasteleria that strikes your fancy.
Portland, Oregon
Coming up second on Travel + Leisure's list of best coffee cities in the U.S. is a sure sign that Portland takes its liquid assets seriously. The New York Times calls Portland's coffee scene "the country's most intimate," a place where small roasters and their customers strike up earnest conversations about flavor profiles and taste notes. Whether you're looking for single origin, small batch, or light roast, there's somebody pursuing it passionately in Portland.
Try: Coava and Water Avenue.
Oslo, Norway
In the last decade, Scandinavian countries have come out swinging on the restaurant front, so it shouldn't be a surprise that Oslo is reinventing coffee in a very good way. The signature roast in Oslo is exceptionally light, resulting in an unusual flavor that, for most, takes a little getting used to. But converts say the style celebrates the true nature of the beans, turning a great cup of coffee into a fantastic one.
Try: Tim Wendelboe and Mocca Kaffebar & Brenneri.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fact: Brazil produces almost 40 percent of the world's coffee. Pair its standing as a major producer with strong cultural influences from coffee-loving countries Portugal and Italy, and you've got the perfect recipe for a great cup. And while the world's biggest coffee-producing countries don't always have a coffee culture to match, Sao Paulo does its home country proud.
Try: Coffee Lab and Cafe Floresta.
Vancouver, Canada
This is a city of micro-roasters, bean educators, champion baristas, and countless cafes. As Vancouver leads the way for a new generation of bean-to-cup coffee fanatics, it's staying true to the fuel. Vancouver baristas coax the best flavor out of carefully selected coffee varieties using Clover, vacuum-pot, and cold-brew techniques. Travelers seeking out independent and small-chain cafes get a little something extra with their coffee: the chance to discover many of the city's best hidden neighborhoods.
Try: Forty Ninth Parallel and Revolver.
Taipei, Taiwan
Yes, Taipei. Other cities in East Asia are known for their cafe culture and coffee drinks, but we're throwing Taipei's hat into the ring because, as surprising as it might seem to the uninitiated, great coffee is part of Taiwan's national heritage. Freshly roasted high-quality beans are standard, and slow, labor-intensive brewing methods pave the way to genuinely good coffee.
Try: Fong Da and Barden Farmstead.
師法蔣經國 郝龍斌提台北新十大建設
【聯合晚報╱記者楊正海/台北報導】2012.12.24 02:50 pm
對於日前北市預算被砍,新十大要如何籌建財源,郝龍斌指出,新十大建設是政府創造投資環境,以行政服務主導民間參與,投入的3700億,民間資金占了57.5%,占2200億,政府只占投資的25% 。
會後,郝仍被問到未來的政治規畫,他說,問問台北市民,沒有人會關心郝龍斌的未來,民眾擔心的自己的未來,對於自己的仕途,郝龍斌說:「I don’t care.」
(一位人人網用戶) 郝曉聞 : 全球夜生活最燦爛的25大城市與排名: 1.曼谷;2.杜拜;3.菲律賓長灘島;4.泰國巴達雅;5.東京;6.泰國普吉島;;8. 澳門;9.台北;10.印尼峇里島;11.大阪; 12.上海;13.首爾;14.雪梨;; 16.泰國蘇梅島;17.泰國清邁;18.倫敦; 19.台中;20.吉隆坡;21.雅加達;22.馬尼拉 ;23.高雄;24.巴黎;25.柬埔寨暹粒 (2012-12-27)
【聯合報╱新加坡記者林以君/三十一日電】2013.01.01 03:28 am
新加坡英文「海峽時報」前總編輯、現任新加坡報業控股公司執行編輯韓福光(Han Fook Kwang)日前一趟台北行,讓他對台灣人公民素養印象深刻。他在昨天海峽時報兩度以「這裡不是東京」提醒讀者台北在公德心的進步。
韓福光約一周前造訪台北,對台北保持清潔的印象深植在心;這是他相隔超過廿年後再度到台灣,以往對台灣印象都來自於媒體,且負面印象居多。昨天他以「新加坡不光彩的事實(The dirty truth about Singapore)」為題撰文。
韓福光寫到,很多人常說新加坡是世界第一等的經濟體,卻沒有伴隨著社會的優雅行為(social graces),這可能要花一個世代的時間才能兩者兼顧。
這位女同事說,原因很多,特別是一九八七年解嚴後,政治與社會覺醒,更多人參與與台灣有關的公眾事務,讓大家有更強的「台灣人本體意識(Taiwanese identity)」。
The dirty truth about Singapore
Singaporeans' poor social graces a result of a weak sense of community
By Han Fook Kwang, The Straits Times, 30 Dec 2012
I couldn't find any public dustbins in Taipei where I was visiting about a week ago.
The city was clean and as well kept as any I have seen elsewhere.
But nobody throws rubbish here? What happens if you've a piece of tissue paper you want to get rid of?
Leave it in the pocket?
That's what the Taiwanese do, said my guide. They dispose of it when they get home so they can separate what can be recycled from the rest.
That's really impressive, I thought, especially considering how difficult it is to get Singaporeans to recycle their waste, let alone carry it home with them.
I had to remind myself I was in Taipei, not Tokyo where you expect the Japanese to be ultra civic-minded.
It was one of several surprises about Taipei and its people, which overturned my previous preconceptions about the place.
Truth is I didn't know very much about Taiwan, not having visited for more than 20 years - I was last there on a brief news assignment.
Much of what I knew came from reading the papers and watching the news on television, and it was mostly negative - the unruly politics, fist fights in Parliament, and headline-grabbing melodramatic elections (remember the mysterious shooting of then President Chen Shui-bian a day before the 2004 presidential election?).
There were other revelations from my visit.
At Taipei's MRT stations, commuters waited in orderly, single-line queues for trains, a sight you don't see here in Singapore, and their trains are just as crowded.
(Second reminder - it's not Tokyo.)
But the stand-out observation of my four-day visit was the service at restaurants.
It was better than Tokyo's.
These were not fine-dining places that I visited, where you expect service to be good, but popular ones such as Din Tai Fung and T.G.I. Friday's, both of which are also in Singapore.
I have never experienced such personal, enthusiastic and know-ledgeable service anywhere in the world - and from very young waiters barely out of school.
It was packed in Din Tai Fung, so you couldn't say the exceptional service was because it was a slow day there.
The issue of how to get Singaporeans to be more civic-minded has been an evergreen one because there are too many examples of bad behaviour which have gone uncorrected for too long.
Commuters blocking the way of those getting off the trains, diners not returning their trays at hawker centres and foodcourts, residents not recycling their waste, moviegoers using their mobile phones in cinemas. Many visitors have also commented that the city isn't as clean as it used to be and more people have been caught littering in public places.
The list goes on.
That's not even including how motorists behave on the road - top of my hate list being the way they accelerate instead of giving way the moment they see another driver signalling to get into their lane.
It's often said we're a First World economy but without the accompanying social graces, and that it'll take another generation before we get there.
It was such a refreshing change to visit a city where you could see a qualitative difference in social behaviour and attitude towards one another, and which was not so culturally or economically different from Singapore that it seems like an alien place.
It's how I feel about Japan - it sets a very high standard for courteous behaviour and public-spiritedness but Japanese society is hard to fathom and the social codes are so opaque to outsiders it seems like a world apart.
Singaporeans will never be like them, so there's no point studying how they do it.
But Taiwan is predominantly Chinese, and much more similar to Singapore.
It disproves the point that some people here have made that one reason for the mediocre service in retail shops and restaurants is that Chinese people are not known to be service-oriented, unlike say Thais or Filipinos.
Taiwan proves this wrong.
But if it was just about service, it wouldn't be such a big issue.
A Gallup survey put Singaporeans right at the bottom of 148 countries for lacking emotion and for being the least positive.
You could argue with the flawed way the survey was done, as many critics have done, but it still sucks to be bottom of the class.
More disconcerting was the finding of the World Giving Index two weeks ago that Singaporeans were one of the least likely people in the world (140th out of 146) to have helped a stranger in the past month.
As for giving money to charity, the score wasn't great either - 53rd, and way behind other South-east Asian countries such as Indonesia and Thailand.
I couldn't think of a worse dampener to the year-end celebrations.
Many reasons have been given for Singapore being so far behind in these softer aspects of our development.
Among several: Because we're a fast-paced, competitive economy in a densely populated urban city, people here have less time to be nice to one another. And that we're a society in which just a generation ago, many among our parents came from some of the poorest villages in China and India and who might not have grown out of their peasant habits.
But Hong Kong is just as compactly populated with immigrants from a similar background, yet it ranked 19th in the overall index, 95 places ahead of Singapore.
America is one of the most competitive economies in the world and was rated fifth.
I believe there is a common thread running through societies that do so much better than others in this area.
It has to do with having a strong sense of community and identity among the people, that they are in it together and so have to look out for one another.
It's like being part of a family, no one needs to be told to do his or her part for the other - it should come naturally because the ties that bind are as strong as Mother Earth.
When I asked a colleague who has worked in Taipei what accounts for the behaviour I observed there, she said there were many reasons, one of which was that things became noticeably better as a result of the civic movement during the years leading to the lifting of martial law in 1987.
Those were the years of political and social awakening in Taiwan when the people became more involved and participated more actively in the issues that mattered to Taiwan.
As a result, they developed a stronger sense of Taiwanese identity.
Their politics is often ugly and the economy has been sluggish for some time, but they appear to have made greater strides on the social front.
For Singapore, the challenge is greater than in a homogeneous society like Taiwan.
It is why all those top-down campaigns to get people to return food trays, stop littering, or move to the back of buses will have only limited success because Singaporeans don't feel strongly enough that they are one community and will look after one another.
That's the painful truth and acknowledging it is necessary before progress can be made.
Forging those bonds requires action, not words, from as many people as possible doing things for the common good, and not for themselves and their families. That means a much more vibrant civic society, one where Singaporeans truly believe they have an active part to play in shaping the future of this place.
The more civic organisations, interest groups, non-governmental organisations, charities and volunteers there are doing their bit in whatever area they are interested in, the greater will be this sense of community and ownership.
Conversely, if it's all done by the Government, the weaker the bonds.
But it also requires the Government to respect and support the work done by these groups.
There's clearly much more at stake than just uncleared food trays.
路人也加入 千餘學生撿8噸垃圾
【聯合報╱記者鄭語謙/台北報導】2013.01.02 02:53 am
【聯合報╱記者蔡惠萍/台北報導】2013.01.02 02:53 am
歐洲最爛景點 遊客:尿尿小童
【中央社╱布魯塞爾2日專電】2013.01.02 09:04 pm
尿尿小童(Manneken-Pis)雕像鄰近布魯塞爾市中心的大廣場(Grand Place),熙來攘往的遊客造訪比利時,多會選擇到此一遊拍照留念。
其他被評選為歐洲失望景點的還包括,位於荷蘭的比、德、荷3國交會點瓦爾斯鎮、位於丹麥首都哥本哈根的小美人魚雕像、英國倫敦比卡迪里廣場(Piccadilly Circus)。
法國羅浮宮(Louvre)珍藏的蒙娜麗莎微笑畫像,也因畫幅尺寸太小而讓遊客不滿意,英國的巨石陣(Stonehenge site)則因觀賞人潮擁擠又只能從遠處眺望,同樣讓觀光客感到失望。
北市推自備「試吃杯」 市民:難看啦!
【聯合報╱記者陳瑄喻/台北報導】2013.01.06 04:43 am
頂級小吃之都 TOP10 台北第1 兩岸庶民美食 台灣蚵仔煎、雞排受歡迎
2013-4-13 06:15| 發佈者: want-daily| 查看數: 283| 評論數: 0
上海也是各種名特小吃薈萃的地方,特色是清淡、鮮美、可口。上海的小吃最受消費者喜愛的莫過於湯包、百葉、油麵精,受上海人青睞的「三主件」。至於10大小吃則包括生煎饅頭、南翔小籠、三鮮小餛飩、油豆腐線粉湯、開洋蔥油拌麵、條頭糕 薄荷糕、海棠糕、蟹殼黃、擂沙圓,排骨年糕。
來源: 郝曉聞的日誌 2013-04-25 13:36 | (分類:默認分類)
樓主在寫marketing 的論文 ,看到瑞士UBS這個調查研究, 挺有意思
買麥當勞Big Mac = 世界各大城市市民工作多少時間的工資?
Big Mac在各地定價不同 ,各城市工資不同
香港人在香港買 Big Mac =work 10 minutes =美國紐約市民
臺北人在臺北買 Big Mac = work 15 minutes=德國人
吃一個 Big Mac
北京上海市民明顯必須工作更多時間 ,工資才能在北京上海本地買到一個 Big Mac, 辛苦累多了
補助汰換機車 北市五都之末
作者: 陳漢明 | 臺灣時報 – 2013年4月16日 上午1:00
【聯合報╱邱坤良】2012.03.06 05:00 am
2012-12-29 06:15| 發佈者: want-daily| 查看數: 14| 評論數: 0
北海岸金山旁, 有占地近六十公頃的法鼓山世界佛教教育園區, 倚山面海,視野遼闊。
基隆客運:02-24323185 淡水客運:02-26213340
全球十大咖啡城 台北亞洲唯一
2012/11/03 08:04:00
今日美國報(USA Today )指出,對咖啡愛好者來說,談到咖啡就讓他們眼睛一亮,不同品種、烘焙技巧以及泡製的方式,哪種咖啡最好,總有一番爭辯,但今日美國報選出全球十大最佳品嚐咖啡的城市,各有各的獨特性與美味。
唯一入選的亞洲之光 全球十大咖啡城 台北上榜
作者: 王嘉源╱綜合報導 | 中時電子報 – 2012年11月4日 上午5:30
台灣向來以傳統茶文化自豪,但在另一與現代都市生活更緊密連結的飲品文化─喝咖啡,台灣也已經開始在國際間打響了知名度。《今日美國報》(USA Today)旅遊版「SmarterTravel」選出全球十大最佳品嘗咖啡的城市,台北市即名列其中,排名第十,且是唯一入選的亞洲城市。
美國則是由星巴克的發源地西雅圖與波特蘭獲選,這也不令人意外,因為根據美國最暢銷的旅遊與休閒雜誌《Travel + Leisure》的排行榜,這兩地即為美國最佳咖啡城市的前兩名。
World's 10 best cities for coffee
( )
Christine Sarkis, SmarterTravel staff
7:43AM EDT November 1. 2012 - Maybe it's all that caffeine in their bloodstreams, but talking about the world's best coffee gets people really amped. Countless varieties, roasting techniques, brewing preferences, and adornments yield dramatically different brews around the world, all with avid fans and vociferous critics. We've rounded up this list of 10 places that celebrate the essence of the bean, each in a unique and delicious way. There's a 100 percent chance that we've left off one of your favorites, though, so go to bat for your team in the comments.
Many cities are fiercely proud of their cafe culture, but only Vienna can claim that its has UNESCO status. In 2011, Viennese Coffee House Culture received the organization's rank of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Since the 17th century, cafes full of marble tables and iconic Thonet chairs have set the scene for savoring a cup. With more than 20 coffee drinks to choose from at most establishments, there's a science to coffee in Vienna, but waiters are patient and willing to walk curious first-timers through the options.
Try: Cafe Central and Cafe Landtmann.
Energy-boosting and abundant, coffee is the sun that overcast Seattle revolves around. And love it or hate it, Starbucks is only a small part of the hometown coffee scene. Taste your way through local roasters at independent cafes around the city, and see why Seattle walked away with top honors on Travel + Leisure's list of the best coffee cities in the U.S. And later, as you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep, ponder this: The city also ranked as the most caffeinated city in the U.S.
Try: Zoka and Caffe Vita.
Havana, Cuba
In Cuba, coffee is basically its own food group. A vital part of each day, steaming little cups of Cafe Cubano—espresso mixed with sugar as it brews—or Coradito—espresso topped with steamed milk—mark the morning, signal the end of a meal, and are a perfect excuse to stop and linger with a friend, new or old. To drink coffee in Havana is to join the rhythm of the city, and after a drop in Cuban coffee production, the country is now rebuilding its growing economy to meet the dedicated demand of its people. Cuban exiles in Miami have made the Florida city another great place for an authentic Cafe Cubano.
Try: Cafe El Escorial and Cafe de las Infusiones.
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne is Australia's coffee capital, and we suspect it's vying for the world title as well. It may be a long way to travel for a cup of coffee, but with more and more people calling Melbourne's coffee the best, it's also an unbeatable way to fight jet lag. A proud history of independent cafes and innovative brewing techniques makes it worth the journey.
Try: Seven Seeds and Proud Mary.
Lisbon, Portugal
People get seriously poetic about coffee in Lisbon. The irresistible combination of a storied cafe culture and a fantastic cup of coffee can do that to a person. Pour yourself into the experience by heading to a cafe, settling in for a leisurely sit, and ordering a bica. The revered shot of black coffee is longer than an espresso and usually features beans roasted with a traditional low-and-slow technique that yields the drink's signature flavor.
Try: Cafe A Brasileira, the cafe at Miradouro de Sao Pedro de Alcantara, or any neighborhood pasteleria that strikes your fancy.
Portland, Oregon
Coming up second on Travel + Leisure's list of best coffee cities in the U.S. is a sure sign that Portland takes its liquid assets seriously. The New York Times calls Portland's coffee scene "the country's most intimate," a place where small roasters and their customers strike up earnest conversations about flavor profiles and taste notes. Whether you're looking for single origin, small batch, or light roast, there's somebody pursuing it passionately in Portland.
Try: Coava and Water Avenue.
Oslo, Norway
In the last decade, Scandinavian countries have come out swinging on the restaurant front, so it shouldn't be a surprise that Oslo is reinventing coffee in a very good way. The signature roast in Oslo is exceptionally light, resulting in an unusual flavor that, for most, takes a little getting used to. But converts say the style celebrates the true nature of the beans, turning a great cup of coffee into a fantastic one.
Try: Tim Wendelboe and Mocca Kaffebar & Brenneri.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fact: Brazil produces almost 40 percent of the world's coffee. Pair its standing as a major producer with strong cultural influences from coffee-loving countries Portugal and Italy, and you've got the perfect recipe for a great cup. And while the world's biggest coffee-producing countries don't always have a coffee culture to match, Sao Paulo does its home country proud.
Try: Coffee Lab and Cafe Floresta.
Vancouver, Canada
This is a city of micro-roasters, bean educators, champion baristas, and countless cafes. As Vancouver leads the way for a new generation of bean-to-cup coffee fanatics, it's staying true to the fuel. Vancouver baristas coax the best flavor out of carefully selected coffee varieties using Clover, vacuum-pot, and cold-brew techniques. Travelers seeking out independent and small-chain cafes get a little something extra with their coffee: the chance to discover many of the city's best hidden neighborhoods.
Try: Forty Ninth Parallel and Revolver.
Taipei, Taiwan
Yes, Taipei. Other cities in East Asia are known for their cafe culture and coffee drinks, but we're throwing Taipei's hat into the ring because, as surprising as it might seem to the uninitiated, great coffee is part of Taiwan's national heritage. Freshly roasted high-quality beans are standard, and slow, labor-intensive brewing methods pave the way to genuinely good coffee.
Try: Fong Da and Barden Farmstead.
師法蔣經國 郝龍斌提台北新十大建設
【聯合晚報╱記者楊正海/台北報導】2012.12.24 02:50 pm
對於日前北市預算被砍,新十大要如何籌建財源,郝龍斌指出,新十大建設是政府創造投資環境,以行政服務主導民間參與,投入的3700億,民間資金占了57.5%,占2200億,政府只占投資的25% 。
會後,郝仍被問到未來的政治規畫,他說,問問台北市民,沒有人會關心郝龍斌的未來,民眾擔心的自己的未來,對於自己的仕途,郝龍斌說:「I don’t care.」
(一位人人網用戶) 郝曉聞 : 全球夜生活最燦爛的25大城市與排名: 1.曼谷;2.杜拜;3.菲律賓長灘島;4.泰國巴達雅;5.東京;6.泰國普吉島;;8. 澳門;9.台北;10.印尼峇里島;11.大阪; 12.上海;13.首爾;14.雪梨;; 16.泰國蘇梅島;17.泰國清邁;18.倫敦; 19.台中;20.吉隆坡;21.雅加達;22.馬尼拉 ;23.高雄;24.巴黎;25.柬埔寨暹粒 (2012-12-27)
【聯合報╱新加坡記者林以君/三十一日電】2013.01.01 03:28 am
新加坡英文「海峽時報」前總編輯、現任新加坡報業控股公司執行編輯韓福光(Han Fook Kwang)日前一趟台北行,讓他對台灣人公民素養印象深刻。他在昨天海峽時報兩度以「這裡不是東京」提醒讀者台北在公德心的進步。
韓福光約一周前造訪台北,對台北保持清潔的印象深植在心;這是他相隔超過廿年後再度到台灣,以往對台灣印象都來自於媒體,且負面印象居多。昨天他以「新加坡不光彩的事實(The dirty truth about Singapore)」為題撰文。
韓福光寫到,很多人常說新加坡是世界第一等的經濟體,卻沒有伴隨著社會的優雅行為(social graces),這可能要花一個世代的時間才能兩者兼顧。
這位女同事說,原因很多,特別是一九八七年解嚴後,政治與社會覺醒,更多人參與與台灣有關的公眾事務,讓大家有更強的「台灣人本體意識(Taiwanese identity)」。
The dirty truth about Singapore
Singaporeans' poor social graces a result of a weak sense of community
By Han Fook Kwang, The Straits Times, 30 Dec 2012
I couldn't find any public dustbins in Taipei where I was visiting about a week ago.
The city was clean and as well kept as any I have seen elsewhere.
But nobody throws rubbish here? What happens if you've a piece of tissue paper you want to get rid of?
Leave it in the pocket?
That's what the Taiwanese do, said my guide. They dispose of it when they get home so they can separate what can be recycled from the rest.
That's really impressive, I thought, especially considering how difficult it is to get Singaporeans to recycle their waste, let alone carry it home with them.
I had to remind myself I was in Taipei, not Tokyo where you expect the Japanese to be ultra civic-minded.
It was one of several surprises about Taipei and its people, which overturned my previous preconceptions about the place.
Truth is I didn't know very much about Taiwan, not having visited for more than 20 years - I was last there on a brief news assignment.
Much of what I knew came from reading the papers and watching the news on television, and it was mostly negative - the unruly politics, fist fights in Parliament, and headline-grabbing melodramatic elections (remember the mysterious shooting of then President Chen Shui-bian a day before the 2004 presidential election?).
There were other revelations from my visit.
At Taipei's MRT stations, commuters waited in orderly, single-line queues for trains, a sight you don't see here in Singapore, and their trains are just as crowded.
(Second reminder - it's not Tokyo.)
But the stand-out observation of my four-day visit was the service at restaurants.
It was better than Tokyo's.
These were not fine-dining places that I visited, where you expect service to be good, but popular ones such as Din Tai Fung and T.G.I. Friday's, both of which are also in Singapore.
I have never experienced such personal, enthusiastic and know-ledgeable service anywhere in the world - and from very young waiters barely out of school.
It was packed in Din Tai Fung, so you couldn't say the exceptional service was because it was a slow day there.
The issue of how to get Singaporeans to be more civic-minded has been an evergreen one because there are too many examples of bad behaviour which have gone uncorrected for too long.
Commuters blocking the way of those getting off the trains, diners not returning their trays at hawker centres and foodcourts, residents not recycling their waste, moviegoers using their mobile phones in cinemas. Many visitors have also commented that the city isn't as clean as it used to be and more people have been caught littering in public places.
The list goes on.
That's not even including how motorists behave on the road - top of my hate list being the way they accelerate instead of giving way the moment they see another driver signalling to get into their lane.
It's often said we're a First World economy but without the accompanying social graces, and that it'll take another generation before we get there.
It was such a refreshing change to visit a city where you could see a qualitative difference in social behaviour and attitude towards one another, and which was not so culturally or economically different from Singapore that it seems like an alien place.
It's how I feel about Japan - it sets a very high standard for courteous behaviour and public-spiritedness but Japanese society is hard to fathom and the social codes are so opaque to outsiders it seems like a world apart.
Singaporeans will never be like them, so there's no point studying how they do it.
But Taiwan is predominantly Chinese, and much more similar to Singapore.
It disproves the point that some people here have made that one reason for the mediocre service in retail shops and restaurants is that Chinese people are not known to be service-oriented, unlike say Thais or Filipinos.
Taiwan proves this wrong.
But if it was just about service, it wouldn't be such a big issue.
A Gallup survey put Singaporeans right at the bottom of 148 countries for lacking emotion and for being the least positive.
You could argue with the flawed way the survey was done, as many critics have done, but it still sucks to be bottom of the class.
More disconcerting was the finding of the World Giving Index two weeks ago that Singaporeans were one of the least likely people in the world (140th out of 146) to have helped a stranger in the past month.
As for giving money to charity, the score wasn't great either - 53rd, and way behind other South-east Asian countries such as Indonesia and Thailand.
I couldn't think of a worse dampener to the year-end celebrations.
Many reasons have been given for Singapore being so far behind in these softer aspects of our development.
Among several: Because we're a fast-paced, competitive economy in a densely populated urban city, people here have less time to be nice to one another. And that we're a society in which just a generation ago, many among our parents came from some of the poorest villages in China and India and who might not have grown out of their peasant habits.
But Hong Kong is just as compactly populated with immigrants from a similar background, yet it ranked 19th in the overall index, 95 places ahead of Singapore.
America is one of the most competitive economies in the world and was rated fifth.
I believe there is a common thread running through societies that do so much better than others in this area.
It has to do with having a strong sense of community and identity among the people, that they are in it together and so have to look out for one another.
It's like being part of a family, no one needs to be told to do his or her part for the other - it should come naturally because the ties that bind are as strong as Mother Earth.
When I asked a colleague who has worked in Taipei what accounts for the behaviour I observed there, she said there were many reasons, one of which was that things became noticeably better as a result of the civic movement during the years leading to the lifting of martial law in 1987.
Those were the years of political and social awakening in Taiwan when the people became more involved and participated more actively in the issues that mattered to Taiwan.
As a result, they developed a stronger sense of Taiwanese identity.
Their politics is often ugly and the economy has been sluggish for some time, but they appear to have made greater strides on the social front.
For Singapore, the challenge is greater than in a homogeneous society like Taiwan.
It is why all those top-down campaigns to get people to return food trays, stop littering, or move to the back of buses will have only limited success because Singaporeans don't feel strongly enough that they are one community and will look after one another.
That's the painful truth and acknowledging it is necessary before progress can be made.
Forging those bonds requires action, not words, from as many people as possible doing things for the common good, and not for themselves and their families. That means a much more vibrant civic society, one where Singaporeans truly believe they have an active part to play in shaping the future of this place.
The more civic organisations, interest groups, non-governmental organisations, charities and volunteers there are doing their bit in whatever area they are interested in, the greater will be this sense of community and ownership.
Conversely, if it's all done by the Government, the weaker the bonds.
But it also requires the Government to respect and support the work done by these groups.
There's clearly much more at stake than just uncleared food trays.
路人也加入 千餘學生撿8噸垃圾
【聯合報╱記者鄭語謙/台北報導】2013.01.02 02:53 am
【聯合報╱記者蔡惠萍/台北報導】2013.01.02 02:53 am
歐洲最爛景點 遊客:尿尿小童
【中央社╱布魯塞爾2日專電】2013.01.02 09:04 pm
尿尿小童(Manneken-Pis)雕像鄰近布魯塞爾市中心的大廣場(Grand Place),熙來攘往的遊客造訪比利時,多會選擇到此一遊拍照留念。
其他被評選為歐洲失望景點的還包括,位於荷蘭的比、德、荷3國交會點瓦爾斯鎮、位於丹麥首都哥本哈根的小美人魚雕像、英國倫敦比卡迪里廣場(Piccadilly Circus)。
法國羅浮宮(Louvre)珍藏的蒙娜麗莎微笑畫像,也因畫幅尺寸太小而讓遊客不滿意,英國的巨石陣(Stonehenge site)則因觀賞人潮擁擠又只能從遠處眺望,同樣讓觀光客感到失望。
北市推自備「試吃杯」 市民:難看啦!
【聯合報╱記者陳瑄喻/台北報導】2013.01.06 04:43 am
頂級小吃之都 TOP10 台北第1 兩岸庶民美食 台灣蚵仔煎、雞排受歡迎
2013-4-13 06:15| 發佈者: want-daily| 查看數: 283| 評論數: 0
上海也是各種名特小吃薈萃的地方,特色是清淡、鮮美、可口。上海的小吃最受消費者喜愛的莫過於湯包、百葉、油麵精,受上海人青睞的「三主件」。至於10大小吃則包括生煎饅頭、南翔小籠、三鮮小餛飩、油豆腐線粉湯、開洋蔥油拌麵、條頭糕 薄荷糕、海棠糕、蟹殼黃、擂沙圓,排骨年糕。
來源: 郝曉聞的日誌 2013-04-25 13:36 | (分類:默認分類)
樓主在寫marketing 的論文 ,看到瑞士UBS這個調查研究, 挺有意思
買麥當勞Big Mac = 世界各大城市市民工作多少時間的工資?
Big Mac在各地定價不同 ,各城市工資不同
香港人在香港買 Big Mac =work 10 minutes =美國紐約市民
臺北人在臺北買 Big Mac = work 15 minutes=德國人
吃一個 Big Mac
北京上海市民明顯必須工作更多時間 ,工資才能在北京上海本地買到一個 Big Mac, 辛苦累多了
補助汰換機車 北市五都之末
作者: 陳漢明 | 臺灣時報 – 2013年4月16日 上午1:00